Mimer RadioCalls
The option that helps you with private calls and text messaging.
The radios built in functions for private calls and text messaging can sometimes be hard to use from the radios Virtual Control Head. Therefor we have created the helpful option Mimer RadioCalls.
As an extra benefit there is a call log that stores all incoming messages with a time and date stamp.

The four tabs of RadioCalls
RadioCalls is divided in four tabs, selectable at the bottom of the window:
- History List
- Contact List
- Number entry
- Text messaging
The functions can be aplied to most types of radios and systems. You can also mix system types and work with for example both DMR and Tetra from the same application.
Private Calls (selective calls)
You can make private calls to individual radios by entering their number or by using the pre-entered information in the contact list. You can also click on a call in the history list and thereby select it for the next call.
Private Calls can be made over Tetra, DMR, 5-tone, DTMF and MPT-Systems and with MDC signalling over MotoTrbo radios in analogue mode.
For each contact in the contact list you can define if the contact shall be called over a pre defined radio in the SoftRadio system, or over the radio that is selected in SoftRadio at the moment. A manual number entry is always sent over the radio that is selected in SoftRadio (where the red arrow points).
The signalling tones (CCIR; EEA etc) are created in the operator PC. This means that also radios without tone functionality can use this option. For example an old base station.
Settings of the tone format can be done different for each fixed radio attached to the system.
The DTMF tones are created in the Network Interface. This means that also radios without tone functionality can use this option. For example an old base station. The function is only available using the large Network Interfaces (article 3009), not with the LE-interfaces (article 3130).
In addition to the standard DTMF tones there is also a possibility to send a long single tone (1000Hz for 3sec) or a warble tone (3sec) and pauses between tones. The tones to be used for example as attention messages after a private call (page).
DTMF tones can only be sent, they are not decoded when receiving.
Text Messaging
In the text message tab you can enter, save and use predefined message templates. You can also enter a free text message.
The message can be sent by using any of the text capable radios that are connected in the SoftRadio system.
There is also a history list of sent messages. From there you can select and resend a message.
History List - Local CallLog
Incomming calls will be presented in a list together with a timestamp and which radio the call came in over.
Emergency alarm calls will be highlighted in red for higher visibility. And private calls are shown in green.
The History list tab is often used as a help for the dispatcher in systems with “ANI”, ID transmission at each PTT, so that the dispatcher knows who is transmitting. Or if he missed the call, the log tells who last transmitted.
The calls are both displayed in the History window that shows the latest calls and also saved into a log file on the computer. A new log file is created for each new day and have virtually no limit for saved data. The history window will save and show the 500 last calls.
Tetra and DMR-Systems
Incomming calls are decoded by the radio and then handled by the SoftRadio system so that all dispatchers can log the calls and respond to them. All dispatchers gets the same calls. The log will show both talk group calls, private calls and emergency alarms.
5-Tone Systems
With a tone decoder in the Network Interface all incoming tones are decoded and sent as data messages to Mimer SoftRadio. Works with for example CCIR, ZWEI and EEA tone systems.
With the option Mimer RadioCalls each of the SoftRadio dispatchers can be set to react to different selective codes.
Each operator can have his/her own selective call and/or a group call. It can also be different calls on different radios.
Each call can be setup with a special auto acknowledge, either a 5-tone call or an audio file with a voice or tone message.
Contact List
The contact list holds information on name and organisation of the contact together with radio call number (ISSI) and predefined radio in the SoftRadio system to make calls on.
There is a filtering function in the contact list so that contacts can be found more easy when the list gets long.
Normally you enter a new contact manually, but you can also select a record in the history list and save it to the contact list. It is also possible to export/import the whole list from one dispatcher to another.
Older systems
“Mimer RadioCalls” is a new option available from v4.
It combines the former options “Mimer Local CallLog” and “Mimer Contact list with text send”. Information about the old options can be found here.
Local CallLog for Marine Systems
There is a separate option that is used for Marine Systems with DSC and ATIS calls, called MarineCalls.
More reading on this, is found on this page.
Contact list
History list
Text message window
Number entry
You can colour code the contacts in the contact list, so that when you get a call the caller is presented with a colour. Also useful with status messages.
There is a brochure on all options and extras available on the download page.
Setup instructions can be downloaded from the technical download page.