Airport & Aviation
Mimer SoftRadio unifies airport radio systems, giving operators seamless access.
On this page you can find more information about the different areas concerning airband radios. You will find both use cases and descriptions on how to build your SoftRadio system.
Large Airports
Busy, busy, busy! All around an airport you have people and vehicles that need to communicate. With SoftRadio your operators can communicate with all types of radio systems including the air band radio to the planes.
Small Airports
Small airports and airfields are in many cases unmanned. If they are far away from a large airport with Air Traffic Control, they need to have their own radio to handle safe landings and take aways.
When flying your UAV within radio coverage of the “Tower”, you can most likely use a portable radio to alert the closest Air Traffic Control. But when flying further away or even between the coverage of two different “Towers”, you might need to boost your own coverage.
Other Uses
In many other situations an airband radio is also needed. For example when landing a helicopter on an oil rig.
Every user group has need for their own type of setup. There for we have many alternatives.
Supported radio types
Fixed Airband Radios
Typically we connect fixed airband radios to the Mimer SoftRadio system. They can be generic connected with only audio and PTT or they can have advanced remote functions for channel change and more.
Read more about the advanced radio models here: Icom IC A120, Trig TY91 and Jotron TR7750.
Also portable radios can be connected in some cases.
Other radio types at airports etc
At many airports there are other types of radios for use at ground communication. This can be Tetra, DMR and more.
We have interfaces available to the SoftRadio system for many different radio types.
Add-ons and options that are usefull together with airband radios
Mimer VoiceLog
Mimer SIP Phone Connect
Advanced Audio Messages
Dispatcher PC´s
To make the use easy for the operator he needs user friendly hardware together with the SoftRadio software. We have gathered some nice PC´s and also microphones, headsets etc.
Dispatcher Accessories
To make the use easy for the operator he needs user friendly hardware together with the SoftRadio software. We have gathered some nice PC´s and also microphones, headsets etc.