Bus companies as well as taxi companies often have local dispatch centrals for a geographical area. In the night time when traffic is low they often collect their personnel to one central. With SoftRadio it is easy to connect all radio systems into one place. The radio systems can be of different kinds, like in the example below.
The radios can be connected over a WAN, like below, or via the Internet.
Oil rigs have large needs for radio communication. They use a number of different systems. For the onboard communication it can be analogue, DMR or Tetra. On top of that are Airband radio and Marine radio.
Connecting all systems into SoftRadio makes it possible to communicate with all users from each dispatcher. It also makes it possible to do the same from remote users, for example at a second dispatch central on shore.
Typicaly the onboard communication portables are ATEX radios since the environment is an explosive hazardous area. But there are no Airband radios with ATEX approval. So when personel on deck needs to talk to an inbound helicopter they can ask a dispatcher to make a cross patch in the SoftRadio system between the onboard radio and the Airband radio, and then use the ATEX approved onboard radio and still be able to talk to the helicopter.
Also PA-systems can be connected to SoftRadio so that dispatchers can both make PA announcements and also listen to to the PA calls. A dispatcher that is on shore might have good use to hear what is said on the PA system on the platform. This can also be combined with cross patch so that personel using hearing protection will hear the PA calls through the radio system instead of the speakers.
Radio systems on several platforms can also be combined so that they can communicate together.