Mimer SoftRadio - Small Systems
Operators can be local or remote, and also the radios can be local or remote, all in a mix. The radios does not need to be of the same brand or work in the same type of system, you can mix and match as you like. You can even mix with phones, intercoms and PA-systems into the system.
Following are some examples of how to build Small Systems
Basic local system over a LAN
The most basic system is one operator and one radio connected to each other over a LAN. This can be expanded without any extra equipment, just add radios and/or operators.
Maximum number of local computers to one radio is 99. And the PC client can handle 8 radios or in the large version up to 30 radios.
Small local system with one radio
Example with one operator connected over a LAN to one fixed radio
Example with two local operators working with two local radios.
Basic remote system over the Internet
Each network interface can handle one operator over the Internet.
To be able to connect more than one operator a Mimer RadioServer is needed.
Read more here: Mimer RadioServer.
Remote controlled radio for better coverage
Example with one operator connected over the internet to two fixed radios
Example with three operators connected to two radios over the Internet via a Mimer RadioServer
Basic System with mixed user connections
One radio can be controlled both locally (maximum 99 users) and through the Internet at the same time.
In the picture below the local radios rather short radio coverage is expanded through a radio repeater placed on a high position with good radio coverage. This is a common way to build the system. You don’t need an Internet connection at the antenna site and you can have many operators.
The operator over the Internet can for example be another dispatch central that takes over at night or it can be some one using the radio from his home.
Basic System with mixed radio types
Each operator can access up to eight radios (30 with SoftRadio XL). The radios can be of different types and brands in any mix.
In the example to the right you have a Tetra radio, a DMR radio and several other radios, plus a GSM phone modem. With the Mimer CrossPatch option you can also patch them together with each other.
Operators use both a local radio and a remote radio for a wider coverage. Operators can also work from home
Example with several local operators and one remote operator all working with the same fixed radio that works through the repeater to the taxis
Example with one operator working with many radios of different types, plus a GSM phone
Basic System when you have no standard IP infrastructure
If you need to connect several operators to radios and have only copper wire access, you can use VDSL-modems to extend your LAN. Or you can use a wireless IP-link. Same setup works with fibre cable, by adding fibre converters at each end you can extend your LAN. Or if you have an environment where copper wires can´t be used for safety reasons. A fibre connection is the solution. In all examples no extra servers are needed since the system nodes will all be in the same local subnet of the LAN.
Example with two operators working with two radios. Connection is done via VDSL modems over copper wire in an environment were there is no IP infrastructure available
Example with two operators working with two radios. Connection is done via a micro wave link in an environment were there is no fixed IP infrastructure available
Example with two operators working with two radios. Connection is done via a fibre cable in an environment were there is no fixed IP infrastructure available, or copper wires are not allowed