Mimer PA and FogHorn
Audio broadcast at another site and more.
Sometimes the radio dispatchers needs to talk to people that don´t have a radio unit. For this we have the PA function. If this is at sea, the operator might also need to activate a fog horn, or listen to an ambient microphone.
The PA function can also be combined with pre recorded messages to be made as announcements.
Operating the PA and FogHorn
Mimer SoftRadio will display the PA, as a device panel, in the same way as a radio or phone. With a send button and an open/close speaker button. In the same way as with the radios, a device panel can be opened with all the possible settings.
When transmitting on the Send button, on the main SoftRadio, the audio will go out over the PA speaker connected to the network interface. Using the yellow key will repeat the last message. And if the option for recorded mesages is installed, also prerecorded Wav-file messages can be sent.
Through settings on the device panel, different fog horn signals can be activated, and a fog horn signal can also be sent manually.
On the device panel you can also activate a microphone for ambient listening.
You can have more than one PA interface, at different locations, in your SoftRadio if needed. And several operators can work with the same PA interface.
Operator interface to handle the PA, the FogHorn signals and the ambient listening.
Mimer SoftRadio set up with one device panel for PA and FogHorn. The PTT is pressed on the PA.
Three main functions in the PA and FogHorn interface
The Network Interface with its software has three main functions. Depending on the hardware (i.e. speaker, microphone) selected together with the interface the functionality might differ. More information about the accessories can be found on this page.
PA Speaker
The PA path allows for the operator to speak on one or several PA speakers connected to the Network Interface.
The output audio level can be set in three steps.
You can use the PA amp and speaker that is sold with the system or you can use your own.
Fog Horn Signal
The software in the Network Interface holds an audio generator for several different fog horn signals.
There are preprogrammed signals to be used for Underway, Stop, Sail and Tow. You can also send the fog horn signal manually from a key at the operator.
Ambient listening
With a microphone connected to the interface you can listen to the surrounding environment. You can even have a conversation with someone standing close by.
The microphone path is possible to close down from the operator so that it will not load the IP path with random noise.
The microphone will also give you a true indication that the fog horn is active.
Functions on the amplifier and speaker.
Test setup with SoftRadio on a laptop, interface connected to microphone and speaker amplifier.
Microphone mounted on the weather proof box containing the amplifier.
Typical Use
The interface can be used in a number of different ways. Below are some examples.
Off Shore
On for example unmanned ships or wind power farms at sea you can use the FogHorn function to alert other ships.
You also have the ability to use the PA for voice messages to ships that are close, or personel working at the ship/site.
The ambient listening microphone will give you feedback of what is happening at the ship/site.
On Shore
On for example an industry or in a shopping centre you have the ability to use the PA for voice messages to personel working at the site.
The PA audio can be connected to a large system of PA speakers if needed.
You can combine the PA with the option “Advanced Audio Messages” that allows prerecorded audio messages.
Red more here.
On Ship
On board a ship you have use for remote controlling a lot of different radio types. Practical to be able to speak on the PA system from the same operator software.
Being able to activate a fog horn from the same GUI makes it even better.
System Examples
There are many ways of integrating the PA and FogHorn interface ino your SoftRadio system. Please ask about your specific needs.
Unmanned Vessel Setup
Windfarm setup
Onboard ship setup with radios and PA
Alternative use of the ambient microphone
In some large command centres there is a need to record all audio in the command room. This can be done by using the Network Interface together with an ambient microphone. Connection will then be directly to the VoiceLog for recording.