Dispatcher Accessories

For a good performance the operator will need to have dedicated accessories. You can use standard PC accessories or you can use bespoke dispatcher accessories. All dependent of how they will be used and in what environment.

Read more below about the accesseries that we have found useful. Different PC’s you will find on the PC page.
At the bottom of the page we also have some equipment for use with the PA-systems.

Here are some examples that we have tested and some that we have built.

All can be ordered together with your SoftRadio system.

  • Micophones
  • Handsets
  • Headsets
  • PTT keys
  • Speakers
  • PA Speakers



Heavy Duty Table Top goose neck microphone

 We have built our own microphone that connects to the operator PC. Much more robust than a standard computer microphone.
The microphone has a very heavy base (900gram) to stand steady on the table and it has a PTT button that is very comfortable to use.

3110: Analogue microphone - Standard

Connects to the PC´s 3,5mm microphone port and to the COM-port for PTT. (Or COM-Port to USB adaptor)

3110/02: Analogue microphone with D-sub

Alternative with one common D-sub connector. Together with the cable kit 3156 it connects to a NetworkInterface so that you can have a remote operator with just microphone and speaker. (Will be replaced with 3110/07)

3110/04: Analogue microphone with Switch

Same as above but with a longer cable and switch that blocks the microphone when not transmitting. The purpose is when you need two microphones to one PC. Two microphones connects to the connection box 3191.

3110/05: Analogue microphone, no PTT

Same robust microphone and table top foot, but without the PTT key. When you transmit on the touch screen, or for use with totally different applications than SoftRadio.

3110/03: USB connection and speaker

This version is our top seller, with a built in speaker and volume control.
This microphone has a built in audio card and connects through 2xUSB to the PC. Speaker: 3Watt, typically 88dBc@0,5m.

3110/06: USB connection and speaker plus external PTT

Same as 3110/03 above, plus a cable hanging out at the back with a 9-PIN D-sub for an external PTT. Typically a foot switch.

3110/07: D-sub connector for connection directly into a network interface

With built in speaker, for use in SoftLine systems, where an operator PC is not used. Or for use as an audio device in a SoftRadio system.

3198: Gooseneck for Panel mounting

There is also an alternative for those who would like to install the microphone in a panel of some sort. This alternative does not include a PTT.
Connects through a standard 3,5mm connector.


Heavy Duty Table Top
Microphone 3110
(3110/02, 3110/04)


Alternative with built in 3Watt speaker and volume control 3110/03
(3110/06 & 3110/07)


Microphone 3110/05, w/o PTT


Gooseneck Microphone Kit 3198



3110/03 used together with a standard PC at the dispatcher


3110 connected as a side microphone to a Tipro PC


Microphone with speaker, 3110/07, connected with SoftLine for remote control of a radio without using a PC

PTT keys for different needs

3078: Table Top PTT

Many prefer a separate PTT-button to use on the table top.

We use the same comfortable PTT key as with the table top microphones.

PC connection through a COM-port. (Or COM-Port to USB adaptor) The box is 88x72x20mm plus the pushbutton.


Table Top PTT

3079: Foot switch PTT

To key the transmitter with your foot, inorder to keep your hands free. 

It connects through a COM-port. (Or COM-Port to USB adaptor)

Also connects to the 3110/06 microphone with external PTT connector.


Foot switch PTT

Handsets and Headsets

3153: Handset

This is a USB connected handset with a PTT button and hook function.

Used together with the option “Custom Functions Panel” it can be set up so that the microphone and the speaker audio shifts to the handset when lifted out of the cradle.

If you are using the Tipro PC´s the handset can be, factory ordered, mounted on either side of the console.




3145: Headset

You can use any type of PC headset. We have tested and can recommend the Jabra Biz 2400 Duo. It connects through the PC´s USB port.

Having a stereo headset is smart, then you can monitor separate radios in either ear, or phone line in one ear and radios in the other.

Together with the option “Custom Functions Panel” you can easily switch between using the PC´s built in audio devices and the headset.



Using standard computer accessories

There are a lots of different low end computer accessories that works nicely for the audio. You can pick them up in the nearest PC accessory shop. However if you would like to get a complete delivery from us we have microphones and speakers in stock that we have tested.

Just be aware that these are products that will not last “for ever” in a rough environment

3096: Speakers

Standard PC speakers can be used at a low cost.

Stereo listening helps if you have more than one radio connected. You can then for example listen to a select radio in the left speaker and other radios in the right speaker.


Delivered speakers might vary from picture

3080: PC Microphone

Standard PC microphone with a 3,5mm analogue jack to the PC. There is no PTT.

This microphone we have used at a number of installations.


Delivered microphone might vary from picture

Accessories for use with our PA and FogHorn system

We have a special interface to our systems for use with PA speakers. It has a built in genereator for a fog horn signal and you can also connect a microphone for ambient listening. Read more here.

The equipment below works nicely together with this interface.

3279: PA Amplifier and 3280: PA Speaker

Outdoor PA speaker and amplifier. The amplifier can run several speakers in parallel if needed.

The cable kit that comes with the interface connects to the amplifier. The cable between amplifier and speaker, needs to be provided by the installer.

The amplifier has input 230V and output 100V. The speaker has input 100V from the amplifier.



PA speaker and amplifier

3278: Ambient Microphone

This waterproof microphone is delivered in an out door enclosure. The enclosure includes an amplifier so that a long cable lead can be used at installation.

Delivered with a 1m lead for test before installation. The installer needs to extend this to the length needed at the installation.


Microphone in outdoor enclosure